Sunday, 11 December 2005
16.30 -- S-Express Phillipines
+ S-Express Indonesia
Saturday, 17 December 2005
14.00 -- S-Express Phillipines
+ S-Express Indonesia
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MINIKINO: S-Express 2005
S-Express Indonesia 2005: Jauh Di Mata (Faraway Lands)
Programmed by Tintin Wulia/Minikino
Strangely Beautiful
Angga D. Sasongko, Indonesia 2005, Digital Video, 6 minutes
A lyrical piece they fall in love, then in desperation. Until
it came; the desire to unbind and run away together.
Sebuah cerita lirikal tentang jatuh cinta, putus asa, dan keberanian
untuk melepaskan diri dari batas dan lari bersama.
Angga (born 1985) started making short films in high school. Now
in his final year in University of Indonesia; he is shooting his
first feature-length in January 2006.
Indonesian Workers in UK
Zeke Haris, Indonesia 2005, Digital Video, 7 minutes
A light, hearty and honest recollection of three Indonesian masseurs
whose lifes journeys cross paths in UK.
Obrolan santai tiga tukang pijat yang mengadu nasibnya di Inggris.
Zeke (born 1977) leads his two bands, Lain and Zeke And The Popo,
and keeps making films after graduating New York Film Academy.
Kara Anak Sebatang Pohon (Kara The Daughter Of A Tree)
Edwin, Indonesia 2005, 16mm and Digital Video, 7 minutes
Kara lost her mother when she was being born. Ronald McDonald is
convicted. The media peeps in her private life. She's disturbed,
and went to see Ronald McDonald.
Ibu Kara meninggal saat melahirkannya. Ronald McDonald menjadi tertuduh.
Media mengintip kehidupan pribadinya. Kara terganggu, dan mendatangi
Ronald McDonald.
Edwin (born 1978) is the most prolific short filmmaker in Indonesia.
This particular short was selected for Cannes Directors
Fortnight in 2005.
Perjalanan Pulang (Going Home)
Dimas Agung, Indonesia 2005, Digital Video, 4 minutes
A trip home could be boring if you do not invent certain competitiveness.
Perjalanan pulang bisa jadi membosankan bila kita tak mencoba menciptakan
pertandingan yang menyenangkan.
Dimas (born 1984) assists the animator Wahyu Aditya in running Hellomotion,
an animation and digital film school.
Klayaban (A Tale Of An Outcast)
Farishad Latjuba, Indonesia/Czech Republic 2005, Super 16mm, 15
A restaurant owner has just hired a new guy to work in his restaurant.
One night, two unexpected guests visit the restaurant to unravel
the past.
Seorang pemilik restoran baru saja menerima pegawai baru. Pada suatu
malam dua tamu mengunjungi restoran itu untuk menguak masa lalu.
Echa (born 1971) makes his short films in between television commercial
projects and administering his film website, layarperak.com .
Unrescued World: Zeke and the Popo
Irwan Ahmett/Siti Irma, Indonesia 2005, Digital Video, 5 minutes
A line animation music video trying to defy all rules of gravity
and logic of story.
Video musik dengan teknik animasi garis yang mencoba menantang aturan
gravitasi dan logika cerita.
Siblings Irwan Ahmett (born 1975) and Siti Irma (born 1977) both
went to Jakarta Institute of the Arts, respectively majoring in
graphic design and directing. This is their first collaboration
a tiring 4 months.
Lucky Kuswandi, Indonesia/US 2005, Digital Video, 15 minutes
A doubtful young boy waveringly cruises his life to come in terms
with his father.
Seorang pemuda menjalani hidupnya dengan ragu, dipenuhi keinginan
untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan ayahnya.
Lucky (born 1980) is a graduate of the Art Center College of Design,
Pasadena, USA with a degree in Filmmaking. He is now writing his
first feature-length.
m i n i k i n o - your healthy dose of short films
Jl. Diponegoro 114
Denpasar, Bali 80113
F +62-361-237567
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