to program & schedule
January 2006
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Beberapa tahun lalu, Edwin datang ke pemutaran bulanan Minikino
di Oktagonmembawa film yang ia anggap karya pertamanya, "A
Very Slow Breakfast".
Pertemuan pertama Minikino dengan Edwin itu berlanjut ke program-program
Minikino selanjutnya, baik di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia.
Kali ini Minikino mendapat kehormatan untuk mem-premiere karya terbaru
Edwin, "Percakapan yang Membosankan", bersamaan dengan
premiere film pendek ini di 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam,
di mana film pendek ini masuk kompetisi Tiger Cub.
Sebagai seorang filmmaker Indonesia yang antusias dengan format
film pendek, Edwin juga banyak terlibat dalam produksi-produksi
besar perfilman di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2005, selain sebagai asisten
sutradara dalam film Gie (Riri Riza/Miles Production) dan "Untuk
Rena" dari Miles Production, satu karya Edwin, "Kara Anak
Sebatang Pohon" juga meraih penghargaan Film Pendek Terbaik
dari FFI 2005. Film yang sama sempat terpilih untuk diputar di Directors'
Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 2005.
Bulan ini, Minikino menampilkan film-film pendek karya Edwin dan
menelusuri perjalanannya - yang masih akan terus berlanjut.
A few years ago, Edwin came to Minikino's monthly short film screenings
in Oktagon bringing what he regards as his first film, "A Very
Slow Breakfast." This first contact between Minikino and Edwin
soon continued to other Minikino programs, in Indonesia and overseas.
This time Minikino is honored to premiere his newest work, "A
Very Boring Conversation", together with an international premiere
at the 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam, where this short
film will compete for the Tiger Cub Awards.
As an Indonesian filmmaker who is passionate about the short film
format, Edwin is involved in Indonesia's major productions as well.
In 2005, after being assistant director in "Gie" (Riri
Riza/Miles Production) and "Untuk Rena" of Miles Production,
he received Best Short Film Award for "Kara the Daughter of
a Tree" at the Indonesian Film Festival 2005. The same film
was selected to screen at Directors' Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival
Edwin has gone a long way and this month, Minikino presents his
short films to trace the road he has taken - and to follow where
he will be going next.
Programmer: Edo Wulia (Denpasar)
Assistant Programmer: Varadilla (Jakarta)
Edwin, Indonesia 2002, 05'40"
Morning. Time for breakfast, when family values are going down the
drain, narrow and silent. A search for the meaning of becoming an
ideal Indonesian family.
Dajang Soembi, Perempoean Jang Dikawini Andjing
(Dajang Soembi, The Woman Who Is Married To A Dog)
Edwin, Indonesia 2004, 7 minutes
The legend of Dajang Soembi, retold. Her son turns around to be
a killer because he wants to be his own mother's lover.
Kara Anak Sebatang Pohon (Kara The Daughter Of A Tree)
Edwin, Indonesia 2005, 7 minutes
A girl lost her mother. Ronald McDonald is convicted. The media
peeps in her private life. She's disturbed, and went to see Ronald
A Very Boring Conversation (Sebuah Percakapan yang Sangat Membosankan)
Edwin, Indonesia 2006, 9 minutes
The conversation starts from coments about music and internet emails,
then slowly moved to unlogical things that could possibly change
a 'mother-son relationship' to a 'man-woman relationship'.
Awards, Nominations and Special Screenings
A Very Slow Breakfast (2002) duration
: 540
- 2003 Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival
- 2004 Brazil Student Film Competition
- 2004 Pusan International Film Festival
- 2004 Jakarta International Film Festival
- 2004 Festival Fringe Singapore International Film Festival
Dajang Soembi : Perempoean Jang Dikawini Andjing
(2004) - duration 7
- 2nd Prize Short Film Competition Jakarta International
Film Festival 2004
- Nominated in Best Short Film, Piala Citra, Festival Film Indonesia
- In Competition TV5 Tiger Cub Short Film Competition International
Film Festival Rotterdam 2005
- 2005 Official Selection Singapore International Film Festival
- In Competition. No Budget Competition. International Short Film
Festival Hamburg 2005
- 2005 Vancouver International Film Festival
- 2005 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
Kara, Anak Sebatang Pohon (2005) duration
9 (with support by Miles Films)
- Quinzaine des Realisateurs 2005 Cannes International Film
- 2005 Pusan International Film Festival
- 2005 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
- 2005 CJ Asian Independent Film Festival, Seoul
- 7th Jakarta International Film Festival
- Best Short Film Award, 2005 Festival Film Indonesia
- 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam
A Very Boring Conversation (2006) duration
9 minutes
- 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam, Tiger Cub Short Film
Griya Musik Irama Indah
Denpasar -
Frinday, 27 January 2006
19:00 WITA
Contact: Edo Wulia
M: +62 (0)856 376 2832
QB World Books Kemang
Jakarta Selatan
Wednesday, 25 January 2005
19:00 WIB
Oktagon Gallery
Jakarta Pusat - map
Sunday, 22 January 2006
14.00 WIB
Toko Buku Kecil/Common Room
Bandung - map
Contact: Tarlen Handayani
M: +62 (0)818 421 940
free entry - please be on time
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